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Search Results: Accredited Colleges Offering Photography Degrees

Photography is a fast growing and competitive industry. Many photography programs prepare students for entry-level careers in competitive, professional fields like advertising, production, news and media, publishing, and photo labs.

Entry-level positions include photographer assistants, studio managers, production assistants, and digital retouchers. Creative individuals who love to document events, inform others, and capture human nature through images have great potential in a career as a photographer.

Associate and bachelor’s degree programs offer a broader education than certificates. Alongside the requirements of their major, students must take classes in liberal arts, math, science, and other subjects to get a well-rounded education. Students are given a rigorous education, studying elements of photography and image manipulation where they have the opportunity to work with professional camera and lighting equipment.

Graduate degree programs like master’s and doctorate degree programs in photography offer students the opportunity to gain high level skills for their profession. They foster leaders of the industry by allowing students to concentrate and master a specific area of interest.

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Accredited Colleges Offering Photography Degrees
College Annual Tuition Recommend Rate
Campuses: Miami, Doral
$9,661 89% (9 reviews)
Campuses: Manchester
$9,600 61% (345 reviews)
Campuses: Pasadena
$9,572 100% (3 reviews)
Campuses: Porterville
$9,539 Add Review
Campuses: Gresham
$9,522 Add Review
Campuses: North East
$9,510 Add Review
Campuses: San Mateo
$9,496 Add Review
Campuses: Chula Vista
$9,490 100% (1 review)
Campuses: Pensacola
$9,475 100% (2 reviews)
Campuses: Napa
$9,388 50% (2 reviews)
Campuses: San Luis Obispo, Paso Robles
$9,348 100% (1 review)
Campuses: Prescott, Clarkdale, Prescott Valley, Chino Valley, <span class='has-tip' title='... Sedona'>...
$9,340 100% (3 reviews)
Campuses: Santa Clarita
$9,322 100% (1 review)
Campuses: Glendora
$9,310 Add Review
Campuses: Santa Rosa, Petaluma
$9,310 Add Review
Campuses: Clearwater
$9,286 50% (12 reviews)
Campuses: La Plata, Leonardtown, Prince Frederick, Waldorf
$9,240 Add Review
Campuses: Palm Desert
$9,138 67% (3 reviews)
Campuses: Kirtland
$9,105 100% (2 reviews)
Campuses: Swainsboro
$9,088 Add Review
Campuses: South Lake Tahoe
$9,087 Add Review
Campuses: Barstow
$9,072 Add Review
Campuses: Stockton, Mountain House
$9,072 100% (1 review)
Campuses: Pleasant Hill
$9,012 Add Review
Campuses: Salinas
$8,994 100% (1 review)
Campuses: Saratoga
$8,810 Add Review
Campuses: Santa Ana
$8,788 Add Review
Campuses: Costa Mesa
$8,762 100% (2 reviews)
Campuses: Cleveland, Brunswick, Warrensville Heights, Westlake, <span class='has-tip' title='... Highland Hills, Parma'>...
$8,736 60% (5 reviews)
Campuses: Coeur d'Alene
$8,736 50% (2 reviews)

This website offers school details to prospective students as an informational resource. The appearance of a school listing on this website should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the school by this site.

This website also offers school data. Our Recommendation Rate is based on the largest database of independent reviews submitted by former students and is not impacted by our partnerships. All other data were collected in 2021-2023 from the National Center for Education Statistics or from an official representative of the school. The NCES is the primary governmental entity for gathering and presenting data related to education. The NCES data is updated annually as soon as it becomes available. The NCES does not release data into downloadable formats until it has been approved, so the most currently available data will not be for the most recent academic year. Salaries and job growth were collected in 2023-2024 from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Financial aid information applies to those students who qualify for financial aid.

Colleges and Degrees takes no position with respect to the information or opinions expressed in the user comments/reviews and is not responsible for their content.

Our tuition numbers reflect data collected from the National Center for Education Statistics.

Recommendation rate refers to the percent of students who said they would recommend this school based on reviews submitted to our partner site,
This indicates that a school has an annual tuition of $15,000 or less as reported to the National Center for Education Statistics or based on the school's website.