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Search Results: Accredited Colleges Offering Nutrition Degrees

The importance of what and how much people eat is a growing concern in the public today. Obesity and health conditions attributed to unhealthy weight are a huge concern. Portion sizes have increased, and delicious but dangerous processed foods have created a need for professionals who assist clients with healthier eating habits.

A career in nutrition supports those who want to eat healthy, many whom would like (or need) to lose weight. This work consists of planning programs that address issues related to food and nutrition, observing meal preparation, and supervising meals that are served. Clients with health conditions are supplied individual dietary modifications recommended to help alleviate illnesses or provide treatment for allergic reactions.

Nutrition careers are available in private business and public institutions like schools. By providing individual one-on-one client consultation, nutritionists can devise customized eating plans and give straightforward, meaningful guidance for struggling patients. Most careers in nutrition involve working in well-lit, well-ventilated, clean areas, but there may be occasions where the jobs occur in congested, hot kitchens.

Patience when advising others on their nutrition is important. Everyone changes habits differently, and there may be some added coaxing and inspirational attitude that nutritionists must possess for clients that are suffering from extreme difficulty with food addictions. The careers in nutrition that receive the highest pay are those that require specialized training. A salary is also benefited with an advanced degree and when the state's certification and other requirements are surpassed.

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Accredited Colleges Offering Nutrition Degrees
College Annual Tuition Recommend Rate
Campuses: Seward
$37,720 60% (5 reviews)
Campuses: Beverly
$37,776 100% (2 reviews)
Campuses: Peoria
$37,800 100% (5 reviews)
Campuses: Newark
$37,930 97% (38 reviews)
Campuses: Durham
$37,934 88% (24 reviews)
Campuses: Bourbonnais, Oak Brook
$37,940 26% (38 reviews)
Campuses: Marietta
$38,022 100% (3 reviews)
Campuses: Riverside
$38,058 74% (19 reviews)
Campuses: Dubuque
$38,060 67% (3 reviews)
Campuses: Amherst
$38,171 98% (46 reviews)
Campuses: Scranton
$38,226 75% (4 reviews)
Campuses: Oxford
$38,293 92% (24 reviews)
Campuses: Holland
$38,370 71% (7 reviews)
Campuses: Charlotte
$38,442 100% (2 reviews)
Campuses: Swannanoa
$38,450 100% (1 review)
Campuses: Providence
$38,492 86% (7 reviews)
Campuses: State College
$38,651 93% (101 reviews)
Campuses: New Wilmington
$38,700 Add Review
Campuses: New York
$38,718 100% (2 reviews)
Campuses: St. Bonaventure
$38,770 100% (2 reviews)
Campuses: Lookout Mountain
$38,860 100% (4 reviews)
Campuses: Brookville
$38,868 100% (3 reviews)
Campuses: Fairfax
$38,983 82% (44 reviews)
Campuses: Crete
$38,990 Add Review
Campuses: Philadelphia
$39,410 100% (6 reviews)
Campuses: Madison
$39,427 98% (55 reviews)
Campuses: College Park
$39,469 97% (64 reviews)
Campuses: Grantham
$39,490 100% (6 reviews)
Campuses: Clemson
$39,502 89% (28 reviews)
Campuses: Newberg
$39,540 92% (12 reviews)

This website offers school details to prospective students as an informational resource. The appearance of a school listing on this website should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the school by this site.

This website also offers school data. Our Recommendation Rate is based on the largest database of independent reviews submitted by former students and is not impacted by our partnerships. All other data were collected in 2021-2023 from the National Center for Education Statistics or from an official representative of the school. The NCES is the primary governmental entity for gathering and presenting data related to education. The NCES data is updated annually as soon as it becomes available. The NCES does not release data into downloadable formats until it has been approved, so the most currently available data will not be for the most recent academic year. Salaries and job growth were collected in 2023-2024 from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Financial aid information applies to those students who qualify for financial aid.

Colleges and Degrees takes no position with respect to the information or opinions expressed in the user comments/reviews and is not responsible for their content.

Our tuition numbers reflect data collected from the National Center for Education Statistics.

Recommendation rate refers to the percent of students who said they would recommend this school based on reviews submitted to our partner site,
This indicates that a school has an annual tuition of $15,000 or less as reported to the National Center for Education Statistics or based on the school's website.