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Search Results: Accredited Colleges Offering Culinary Arts Degrees

Culinary artists, also sometimes known as culinarians, work in a wide variety of environments, all of them focused on the craft of creating beautiful and delicious food. Such professionals include experts like chefs, cooks, restaurant managers, bakers and caterers. Chefs and head cooks are typically charged with the responsibility of making sure that their fellow chefs are cooking quickly and properly, and they lead their culinary environment by their depth of culinary technique, impressive level of creativity, extensive food savvy, and consistent expertise in putting out satisfying and aesthetically pleasing plates.

Traditional kitchens have system of rank imported from the culinary traditions of France. At the top of the heap is the executive chef, or the chef de cuisine; these are the top professionals in the kitchen for whom diners come to the restaurant, and these chefs sometimes even have their own television shows or other celebrity ventures. At the bottom of the ranking are the line cooks and chefs de garde manger, the professionals who actually do the cooking duties. Other positions that center in the culinary world include food writers, food photographers, culinary entrepreneurs, and teachers in the culinary arts.

The educational path for a career in the culinary arts almost always involves culinary school as a training ground in the techniques necessary to get brilliant work done. Food writers, photographers, managers, and entrepreneurs may opt to earn a bachelor's or master's in a relevant field first, and then later proceed to polish their education with courses in culinary school. Yet another pathway into this career field is through experience and learning on the job. This is most effective for those who begin in the culinary field at an early age. The job outlook for careers in the culinary arts naturally varies depending on the particular demands of the position. But chefs and head cooks, to provide an example, will not be experiencing immense growth in terms of the number of available posts in the future.

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Accredited Colleges Offering Culinary Arts Degrees
College Annual Tuition Recommend Rate
Campuses: Louisville
$19,740 21% (19 reviews)
Campuses: Point Lookout
$20,290 100% (1 review)
Campuses: Cedar City
$20,586 92% (12 reviews)
Campuses: Florence
$21,420 100% (6 reviews)
Campuses: Anchorage
$21,635 74% (19 reviews)
Campuses: Greenville
$21,890 100% (9 reviews)
Campuses: Fairbanks, Nome
$22,032 89% (9 reviews)
Campuses: Richmond
$22,600 32% (118 reviews)
Campuses: Grand Junction
$23,019 100% (5 reviews)
Campuses: Grand Prairie
$12,950 - $33,939 21% (249 reviews)
Campuses: Philadelphia
$23,550 Add Review
Campuses: Collegedale
$23,870 75% (8 reviews)
Campuses: Austin
$23,900 - $23,982 Add Review
Campuses: Boulder
$23,900 - $23,982 Add Review
Campuses: Mississippi State
$25,444 97% (31 reviews)
Campuses: Las Vegas
$25,489 84% (43 reviews)
Campuses: Williamsport
$25,680 100% (1 review)
Campuses: Ellensburg
$25,910 95% (19 reviews)
Campuses: Pocatello
$25,936 75% (8 reviews)
Campuses: Harrisburg
$26,222 Add Review
Campuses: Roseville, Farmington Hills, Madison Heights, Saginaw, <span class='has-tip' title='... Southgate, Pontiac, Wayne, Lansing, Detroit'>...
$22,320 - $31,680 26% (39 reviews)
Campuses: Adrian, Jackson
$29,044 50% (2 reviews)
Campuses: Bozeman
$29,604 96% (22 reviews)
Campuses: Missoula
$29,634 92% (13 reviews)
Campuses: Oklahoma City, Lawton, Moore, Tulsa
$30,020 - $34,020 Add Review
Campuses: Paul Smiths
$32,048 Add Review
Campuses: York, Lancaster, Altoona
$32,074 33% (3 reviews)
Campuses: Chicago
$33,068 85% (13 reviews)
Campuses: Union Grove
$33,100 Add Review
Campuses: New York
$33,127 Add Review

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This website also offers school data. Our Recommendation Rate is based on the largest database of independent reviews submitted by former students and is not impacted by our partnerships. All other data were collected in 2021-2023 from the National Center for Education Statistics or from an official representative of the school. The NCES is the primary governmental entity for gathering and presenting data related to education. The NCES data is updated annually as soon as it becomes available. The NCES does not release data into downloadable formats until it has been approved, so the most currently available data will not be for the most recent academic year. Salaries and job growth were collected in 2023-2024 from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Financial aid information applies to those students who qualify for financial aid.

Colleges and Degrees takes no position with respect to the information or opinions expressed in the user comments/reviews and is not responsible for their content.

Our tuition numbers reflect data collected from the National Center for Education Statistics.

Recommendation rate refers to the percent of students who said they would recommend this school based on reviews submitted to our partner site,
This indicates that a school has an annual tuition of $15,000 or less as reported to the National Center for Education Statistics or based on the school's website.